Piano Tutorial for Illumination
From "Illumination"
This is a printed songbook with 10 songs from Jennifer’s The Fire Within album. All songs are for SOLO PIANO (no orchestration or other instrumental variations). This music is considered intermediate to advanced.
1. The Fire Within
2. Awakening
3. Girl in the Mirror
4. Rise of the Phoenix
5. Ascension
6. Soaring
7. Because of You
8. Believer
9. Glorious
10. Time
11. The Fire Within Part 2
By purchasing this sheet music, you agree to not fileshare via the internet through email, file sharing sites, or giving duplicate copies to your friends. This sheet music is protected by international copyright laws.
Jennifer personally transcribes, notates, and edits all of her songs. Please honor Jennifer Thomas’ efforts as an independent musicians by purchasing through her. Thank you for your support!